Aloha, Cash! Welcome to the Fur-Angel Family!


Hi! I'm Cash!

I’m currently a high school student, working as an intern and contributing writer for the Fur-Angel Foundation. As I’m nearing graduation, I felt the need to find something to volunteer for; a cause that I could learn more about and feel good about by contributing to. I’ve also had a fond love for writing for as long as I can remember, and I wanted to put that to great use in something I can be passionate for.

Admittedly, I’ve always owned at least two or three cats my whole life, but by now my bias had definitely been broken after being introduced to the site, and my newfound adulation was discovered. The idea of helping an animal in need and spreading the word with actual useful information is what initially appealed to me. The volunteer hours/contributions benefiting me and my “brag sheet” are one thing, but having a hand in actually helping “man’s best friend” achieve some form prosperity outweighs practically anything else. I’m motivated by the mere ideology that dogs deserve to be treated, at the very least, fairly.

Seeing a dog starving out on the street, lonely and scared, pains me and I’d like to do whatever I can to help. What FAF does exceptionally well is bestowing countless dogs in need of a chance to grow in a loving home with selfless owners, and I’m filled with exuberance knowing I can be apart of that. I’m definitely excited to see how the site will evolve and grow from here!